Sun Post 2024 General Election Voter Guide – Brooklyn Center City Council Candidates

Sun Post 2024 General Election Voter Guide – Brooklyn Center City Council Candidates

As a Brooklyn Center City Council candidate, I was invited by the Sun Post to submit biographical information and answers to four questions pertaining to the Brooklyn Center municipal election. I’ve excerpted my answers here but you can click the link to find information on all the candidates who responded by the press deadline online or pick up…

Fact Check: Citizens for a Full-Time Mayor

Fact Check: Citizens for a Full-Time Mayor

There is a local group called Citizens for a Full-Time Mayor that are petitioning to amend the Brooklyn Center City Charter in order to transform our Council-Manager Plan form of government to a Mayor-Council from of government. In short, their proposed amendment eliminates the City Manager position and gives the Mayor power over the administrative…

Vote Andrew Johnson for Brooklyn Center City Council

Sun Post Voter Guide – Brooklyn Center City Council Candidates

As a Brooklyn Center City Council candidate, I was invited by the Sun Post to submit biographical information limited to 50 words or less and the answers to three questions in 300 words or less. I’ve excerpted my answers here but you can click the link to find information on all the candidates who responded…

Putting You at the Center

Putting You at the Center

Yesterday marked the last day of the candidate filing period for individuals running for federal, state, county, or city public offices. As things currently stand for Brooklyn Center, we have five candidates for Mayor and a whopping nine candidates for City Council. Since this is more than twice the number of individuals to be elected…

An Oath

An Oath

In his article entitled Avoiding a noise-canceling election season found in the May 19th edition of the Sun Post, columnist Keith Anderson relates that he is tempted to reach for his noise canceling headphones to block out the negative messaging that often comes along with election season. I can definitely relate to that sentiment. In…

I’m running for you

I’m running for you

While researching local candidates online during the last election cycle. I noticed most of them had one thing in common: An endorsement from the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Meanwhile, the Brooklyn Center City Charter states that qualified candidates filing to be on the ballot should be listed “without partisan designation”. In that moment, one thing became…